Pete is home

Pete is home and doing well. He hopped right into the house and went straight to check if his feline brother & sister had left any of their breakfast out for him.

He is eating, drinking, and peeing. He is feeling so well I am having to be careful that he doesn’t over-do it. He doesn’t like being restricted in the gated area and whines about it. I am sitting in here with him. To thank me he is slobbering on my jeans. 😉

*I* think he would be comfier laying on his left side, but if I try to gently help him he resists and want to stay upright (as shown above), so I am leaving him be.♥



2 thoughts on “Pete is home”

  1. Pete you look good my friend! I hope that your recovery is going well. Yeah the gate really stinks but it’s not furever and you will be all better if you chill out for a bit. I know you can do it!

    Don’t furget to share a pupdate, your fans are waiting 🙂

    1. Thanks, Jerry. Overall recovery is going pretty well. Incision looks good, he is peeing and pooing. Eating well enough and taking his meds without issue. Mobility is fine. Maybe sone pain issues, though. Going to post in the forums about it.

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